Bookblog in english about the book "The age of miracles"

Fifth blog - February 19th

Kategori: Allmänt

Now I've commented on all blog posts in my podcast group, and I found a lot of similarities but even some differences!
I think that both Moa's and Philip's blogs are really interesting to read, when I was reading all their posts I wanted to read more and more.
Some differences that I saw:
It feeled like the main character in Life As We Knew It had the same age as Julia, but no, Miranda in the other book was 17, and Julia was 11 going 12, so that was a difference.
In The Age of Miracles, it wasn't any deaths. But in Life As We Knew It, it was a certain "death list", so many people died. I thought that was interesting.
Some similarities:
In Life As We Knew It, Sammi (?) went to a place in the other side of the country with an unknown man in the 40's. In our book, Gabby went to Circadia which was on the other side of the U.S with a man in the 40's that she didn't know. I thought that it was cool, that the same thing happened in both books.
Life As We Knew It seemed to be boring in the begginning of the book, and so was The Age Of Miracles. It turned out to be good though, and I think that it was the same for the other book.
I am curious for the podcast, to see other differences and similarities!